How do I file a complaint with the Department of Real Estate?
To begin an investigation, the Department must determine two things:
- That the complaint or information relates to possible violations of Arizona real estate statutes or rules.
- That the individuals and/or entities involved are under the Department’s jurisdiction.
A.R.S. §32-2108 requires that complaints filed with the Department be in writing and signed by the complainant. The complaint must allege conduct that violates Arizona real estate law or rules.
If you file a complaint, include:
- Your full name and address, and that of each individual or entity against whom the complaint is made (the “respondent(s)”).
- A clear and concise statement, in detail, describing the facts surrounding the incident(s), including:
- The time and place of occurrences;
- Who was involved or present;
- What activities occurred which you believe to be illegal;
- The names, addresses and telephone numbers of any witnesses.
- Legible copies of all transaction documents and related correspondence (contracts, closing documents, letters, etc.).
- Any other relevant information.
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