Message Center
Message Center
To reach the ADRE by regular mail, please click on Contact Information link in the menu to the left.
IMPORTANT: Review the following important items before using the Message Center
- Do NOT send credit card numbers through the Message Center. You will be sent a separate Payment Request to make secure payments.
- Do NOT attach files with commas in the file name as they cannot be opened by the system.
The Message Center allows customers to submit a question, application, or complaint, directly to the ADRE division that can assist. Please submit your correspondence by choosing from the subject categories below. Submit all uploaded documents as one, merged PDF file.
- Questions about Broker Audit Declarations or other broker management issues from Brokers submit here
Development Services
- Lot Reservations submit here
- Subdivisions, timeshares, membership campgrounds, or cemeteries questions submit here
- Submit an Application
- Real estate school, class, or instructor questions submit here
- School, instructor, or course applications submit here
Enforcement & Compliance
- Compliance forms and affidavits submit here
- Disciplinary action questions submit here
- Provisional license, consent orders, or Commissioner's final orders questions submit here
File a Complaint
General Information/ Order Lawbook
- General information questions related to real estate submit here
- Order Real Estate Law Book or HOA Laws Book
Homeowner Association (HOA) Dispute Process
- HOA Dispute Process information, click here
- Homeowner Association (HOA) Dispute Process questions or completed Petitions submit here
Legislative Affairs
Use ADRE's Online System (under Contact, click Licensee Login) to submit your original salesperson license application, renewal of individual licenses, change personal information, request to be hired to a new broker, sever from your current broker, enter continuing education, submit legal presence documents, or print your license. If not one of these items or if you have questions, please select one of the Message Center topics below:
- Broker/Entity license application submit here
- Disciplinary Actions Disclosure or predetermination request submit here
- Name change or nickname request submit here
- Name Reservation application submit here
- Original real estate license or renewal application questions submit here
- Salesperson license application, here (NOT STANDARD: Use ONLY if submitting a Salesperson to Broker License Application, a License Application with a Disclosure, or if you were previously licensed and have a terminated license)
- All other license transaction requests submit here
Public Information
If you are a reporter working on deadline, please call ADRE’s Public Information Officer directly at (602) 771-7769.
Public Records
As a government agency, the Arizona Department of Real Estate (“Department”) is subject to Arizona Public Records law, under Title 39 of the Arizona Revised Statutes. With limited exceptions, any documents or records, regardless of the source, that the Department receives are subject to a public records request. As such, the Department may have received any document or record released as part of this public records request from a third-party entity, and/or organization including, but not limited to, external government agencies. The Department is not responsible for certifying any documents or records provided from third-party entities and/or organizations and cannot make any promises or guarantees about documents or records provided from third-party entities and/or organizations.
NOTE: Title Companies and Consumers - The recipient of a public records request has the burden to conduct due diligence on documents or records from any third-party entities or organizations released as part of a records request. Recipients of documents or records pursuant to public record requests are strongly encouraged to contact or consult with the third-party entity or organization for matters including, but not limited to, determining accuracy, completeness, currency, and fitness for or the appropriateness for use. Understanding the potential age of a document and the timing of when the Department received it, if you are seeking accurate and up-to-date information especially related to public reports, it may be advisable to acquire more timely information with the organization or third party responsible for creating the document you are seeking but that reposed at the Department.
Use the link above to submit a Public Records Request or if you have a question about an existing Request. If you have a question about a records request, you may also contact Timothy Andert, Public Records Coordinator, at [email protected] or (602) 771-7738.
Recovery Fund
Request an Appointment
100% of ADRE's services can be accomplished by using one of the Subjects listed above and even if you come in person, you should know the Department practices first-in, first-out processing. Nonetheless, you may wish to come in person and understanding of that fact, we want to work with you to ensure the correct ADRE Team Member is onsite to assist you by scheduling an appointment. If you are going to Request an Appointment, please clearly identify what service you need to accomplish - whether submitting a complaint, filing an HOA Petition, dropping off an application, or whatever it is you need.
Tribal Relations
How are we doing? Please take a moment to answer a few questions by clicking here.