Legislative Affairs
Legislative Affairs
The Department of Real Estate is not a policymaking body unless provided the authority and direction by the Governor's Office. As such, ADRE does not typically take an official stance on proposals or weigh in on legislation publicly unless the Governor's Office provides the policy direction and guidance to do so. Nonetheless, the Department tracks bills during the legislative session that relate to important issues in Real Estate to provide technical assistance to lawmakers and policy and impact insights to the Governor's Office.
Legislative Overview
A list of the bills tracked by the Department that were passed by the Legislature and will or have become law is below. The Overviews provided below and to the public are intended as educational tools only. Beginning in 2024, the Overview is compiled data using information from a tool provided by the Arizona Capitol Times. The list is not intended to be comprehensive and may not include all bills that directly or indirectly affect ADRE licensees. Visit the state legislature’s website at www.azleg.gov for more information.